Tuesday 21 October 2014

Can't Go Another Day Without

Well based on the tittle, looks like I can't go one day without this special someone or some love problem. But, NOT REALLY. What I'm going to say is that


Really, doodling has been like a part of my life now. Whenever I'm bored in class (almost every time) I always draw something on my sketchbook (wow, sounds like a professional but eehh).I usually draw a zentangle, 'cause believe it or not, I CAN'T DRAW REAL HUMAN. All I can draw was this cute little girl with stick man basic shape (sorry I don't have the pic). Anyway, here some of my doodle you can enjoy. Please understand that I'm still a beginner at this kind of thing.

Monday 13 October 2014

Screw Up!

It has been a long time since I loss my blogging habit (meeh, sorry). Now I'm trying to improve my blog's appearance by NOT USING the old one. 'cause I bet you can found thousand blogs with that kind of template. So I decide to customize it by myself, even though it looks very simple and cheezy, at least I tried. Right?

Anyway, I feel screw up! Why? Because I've just excluded from my dance group. By "excluded" I mean excluded from the perform this month, not from the group. The thing is, my stomach was so sick today and I decide to go home and skip my dance training. Then, someone took my place and I got "thrown" away. My best friend told me this bad news this night and I'm so SAD to hear it. I cried so loud in front of my parents. Well it seems like a very simple problem and everyone said "you can try it next year".  It is true. But, it's really hard to swallow the truth that "what you have wanted for years is in front of your eyes but you can't reach it because the door was already closed". Then all this negative thought about not gonna be a successful dancer, a bitter black&white days for the rest of my life, being jealous to my friend, and everything just popped up in my head! AND I DO KNOW WHAT TO DO!

Well, after I think and I think. I remember this verse that I think really suit on me. Not just about the contain, but also the number.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Good News and Bad News!

Hello everyone! ._.
Long time not posting something.
Today I have a good news and a BAADDD news.

First up, I'm going to tell you the bad one.

Yesterday, I participated a Try Out in XXX SHS. Yeah, just to make sure if I'm ready or not to face the national test. I thought, I have done it quiet well. And my prediction is maybe I got an Eight.


Sunday 22 December 2013

Lesson From The Richest

Majalah Forbes mengadakan semacam seminar khusus di PBB tentang filantrofi yang dihadiri oleh 150 bilyuner dunia. Topiknya adalah bagaimana membesarkan anak - anak yang memiliki semangat untuk mengubah dunia lebih dari pada terobsesi dengan mobil sport paling gres.

Panelisnya adalah Warren Buffett, salah satu orang terkaya di dunia dan putranya, Peter Buffett. Ketiga anak Warren terlibat aktif di filantrofi. Panelis satunya adalah Marilyn C. Nelson dan putrinya Liesel, mereka dari dinasti Pritzker pemilik bisnis travel, termasuk hotel Hyatt.

GAYA HIDUP SEDERHANA. Warren Buffett tidak mengubah gaya hidupnya walaupun hartanya terus bertambah. Ia tetap tinggal di rumah yang ia beli tahun 1958, "Jadi mereka (anak - anak) tidak melihat kami berpindah ke rumah yang makin lama makin mewah, mereka tidak naik pesawat pribadi. Mereka ke sekolah naik bis, dan pergi ke sekolah umum," kata Warren. Peter sendiri baru tahu bahwa ayahnya sangat kaya ketika ia berusia 20 tahun dan membaca nama ayahnya di majalah Forbes sebagai salah satu orang terkaya

Tuesday 17 December 2013

[HIGHLY RECOMMENDED] Miracle in Cell No.7

Guys, go watch this movie. You MUST! Because it's really heartbreaking. It is a comedy movie. But I cried too much while watching it. Prepared tissue when you wanna watch this movie. I bet you'll cried. :""

Trailer English Sub :

FULL movie (Indonesia subbed) :

It Worth!!! :D

Woopie Loopie Yeppie yaayy!!

Hari ini aku trima raport, dan menurutku hasil'nya CUKUP BAIK (walaupun aku tahu aku bisa lebih maksimal :/ )
Seneng jelas IYA! :3
Tapi emang bener lo. Kalau kita belajar, berdoa, berusaha, dan NO CHEATING, the results are WORTH!! :))