Wednesday 7 August 2013

Crazy Day with my friends! \m/ (DAY 2)

Day 2 - August 7th 2013

Actually today we are planning to go to solo and go to the cinema to watch 'The Conjuring'. But since we don't have transportation, so the plan was canceled. And sadly, our friend Steven can't join us today because he had to go to Blora to meet his family. So we are planning to borrow a CD and watch it at Michelle's home. We borrowed four CDs, including; Sadako 3D, Despicable Me 2, Frankenwinnie, and Facing The Giants. Because it's impossible to watch four CDs in a day, this day we choose to watch Sadako 3D and Despicable Me 2.

After watching Sadako 3D, we ate some snacks provided by Michelle. (thanks Michelle {}). While the boys playing badminton outside, I went to open my notebook and update my tumblr (Check my tumblr : here

(there was me with red shirt x_x)

The boys playing badminton

Oh, look! We got samurai Sanos here. Going to kill his own best friend, Millen. :s kkk.

After we watch Sadako 3D and Despicable Me 2, we are planning to go to Dreamland.

The boys shaking the tree .__. oh my, they are so hilarious!

.   .   .   .   .

Now, here we are!! On the Dreamland. Here some photo of it :

Thanks for reading our adventure<3!

Day 2 - END!

~Have A Nice Day & God Bless You~

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